A total of $4.7 million worth of stimulus funds were allocated to Charleston's Yeager Airport for terminal building improvements including:
Pedestrian Bridge and Elevator - New pedestrian bridge providing a weather safe connector between the long-term parking garage and the Terminal Building. Also included reconfiguration of the short-term outdoor parking area.
Terminal Canopy Upgrade - Replacement/upgrade of existing roof canopies at the Terminal Building front, including addition of blast protection measures, replacement of front sidewalks, and addition of LED programmable signage.
Baggage Carousel and Tunnel - Refurbishment of the existing baggage carousel, as well as installation of weather enclosures on the apron side to address updated energy code requirements. This task also featured waterproofing of both existing baggage handling tunnels and design of an air curtain system to reduce the loss of tempered air.
Floor Improvements - New floor finishes were specified for high traffic areas.
Restrooms - Renovation of main lobby rest rooms including new sinks and counter tops, new wall tile, new ceiling tile and lighting, and improvements to existing ventilation.
Fire Suppression - Previously completed plans for upgrades to the fire suppression system were incorporated in to the bid package.
Security System Upgrades - New security cameras were added to the existing backbone.
Funding requirements for this project dictated an extremely short design schedule of approximately six weeks from the date of our selection until completion of project bidding documents.