Central Methodist University | Campus Master Plan
Central Methodist University (CMU), located in central Missouri, has long-standing roots in the state and maintains a strong relationship with the United Methodist Church. The main campus, located in the City of Fayette, maintains satellite branches in over 10 locations throughout the state. Their recognition and accommodation of nontraditional students, as well as traditional undergraduates, has made the university a leader in Missouri. The university offers graduate-level programs, and has partnered with community colleges to provide two-year degree-completion programs as another option for students in the state.
Following a successful Walkabout in April 2008, during which many ideas were generated for the future of the campus, CMU asked our team to generate an update to their campus master plan. Some of the ideas generated in the Walkabout formed the foundation of the master planning recommendations. Goals of the master planning process focused on the efficient utilization of academic space across the campus, providing new facilities for various programs, improving on-campus housing, and identifying a “front door” location. All proposals also had to align with the intents of the University’s Strategic Plan.
We began with an analysis of the school’s history, surroundings, and current conditions; campus buildings; local historic districts; campus museums; pedestrian and vehicular circulation; parking; residence halls; enrollment and academic programs; athletics; and infrastructure. Based on the findings of the analysis, as well as previously identified needs from the university staff, a plan was generated for the future of the campus. Recommendations focused on various aspects of the academic buildings, residence halls, site, and athletics/recreation facilities. Specific space planning exercises were undertaken for four academic buildings. Additional recommendations made focus on infrastructure and sustainability. All recommendations were organized into a basic timeline, with priorities assigned to each. Preliminary cost analyses were provided to give a framework of the scope of work involved in each proposal.
One recommendation from the master plan, a renovation of Classic Hall for the music department and Art Gallery, was designed by our team.